Monday, June 22, 2009


Fiona's very first movie in the theater was Up. We were so proud of her. She "behaved" the entire time. We were afraid she would get antsy and want to leave. Of course, she was snuggled up on mama's lap like a kitten on a comfy couch. I kept checking in on her during the movie. At times she would just stare into the rows of seats and just people watch. Other times she was wide eyed with excitement. Fiona was so amazed at the size of the movie screen and the fact that it was dark not just dim. Maybe now, movies won't be so far and few!

1 comment:

Jocelyn S. Lomahan said...

Yeah! Fiona is such a good girl. Up was also Sofia & Ava's first movie theater movie....Sofia stayed in her seat the entire time but had too much out loud commentary. Ava got antsy though, so I had to explain part of the movie to Jay while sobbing.