Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chula Vista Nature Center...A Hidden Gem

Hmm...a sea turtle souvenir. But which one?

A bunch of birdies sitting in a nest

Bebe and Fifi
A close-up view of a shark

Petting the bat rays and sting rays...oooh, so slimy!

our favorite, the green sea turtle

A trip to the Nature Center is just a hop, skip, and away from our house. Not literally, but close enough. It's inexpensive fun for the whole family. I've only been there twice. But I forget it's even there. Visitors have to wait for a shuttle to get in. Then, once you hop on the bus, the driver gives you a brief history of the area, kind of like a guided tour before you actually step into the building. The bus driver slowly, and I mean slowly, drives through this marsh or tall grassy area and starts telling stories about the animals that are there. Very, very cool to see the birds in their natural habitat. Anyhow, it's practically been open for about 20 years or so. To think that the city might be closing this hidden gem down is heartbreaking. The budget cuts are everywhere! I hope it doesn't close down. It would be a shame to let it go.


Jenny said...

I've never been! I've been meaning to go because I also heard it might shut down as well. Another thing to add to my "To Do" list this summer :)

Artist Dreams said...

Ooh that looks like fun! I never heard of or seen it before. Hopefully I can go there at least once sometime.. and hopefully it doesn't shut down :(