Monday, June 15, 2009

Free Family Fun

Did you know that The New Children's Museum offers free admission every second Sunday of the month? Well, we took advantage of this opportunity this past weekend. The last time Fiona was here, she could barely walk, let alone stand securely without holding on to something. She and I were on a play date with Jenn and Cayden. We were pretty limited to what the babies could do. But this time around Fiona had more things to dabble in.

At the VW Bug painting station, Fiona was not that into it. She was more interested in watching the other kids paint. And once her hands got dirty, she said, "Wash hands, Dirty!" I think we need a little more practice with paint at home. She's only ever used crayons, markers, and colored pencils. Not paint. That's something new. I need to let her get messy once in awhile. We're always so germ-a-phobic about everything. And that's probably rubbing off on her. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing?

But Fiona Tess did enjoy the bubble station! She loved getting her hands wet, blowing bubbles, and popping them. She didn't want to leave.

We'll be back there next month!


Jenny said...

Great pictures! I'm already anticipating the scrap pages you will make out of it :) Thanks for the tip - I didn't know it was free on those days either! Looks like you guys had a lovely time!

wena said...

i love this! and i love that shirt...was that emma's? i can't believe she was that small! we've gotta go one of these days! xo

morningstar said...

Yes, it was Emma's! Thanks for the passing on her fashionable wardrobe!

Jocelyn S. Lomahan said...

we just came from the new children's museum and ended up getting the membership..we ran into Don/MelDean and later Jenn Kussalanant and family...the girls loved it!