Saturday, October 27, 2007

Thanks Grandpa Sunday!

Well, my dad is a very complex man--soft spoken, stubborn, quick-tempered, crafty (definitely inherited that), caring, and sensitive. Recently, I've been noticing significant changes in his behavior. First of all, he'll call for no reason just to chit chat for a while and ask about baby Fiona Tess. He'll ask, "How's my lil' girl?" My dad has never called for anything unless my mom had a part in it. Last weekend, he called to ask if he could come over and visit Fiona. He eagerly came all by himself just so that he can hold her for awhile. Fiona has a magic spell cast over her Grandpa Sunday.

I'm not finished with this story just yet. While he was cleaning and organizing the important documents in his closet ( for the firestorm incident), he came across my old passport from the Philippines. In the photo, I was a little over a year. He said he could see my eyes in Fiona. And then he said that I could keep it. With just a short visit and a few simple words, I felt closer to my dad more than ever... That's mad love!