Monday, December 8, 2008

A New Found Love of...

Raisins! Yes, I said raisins. Fiona plops them into her mouth one at a time. It's the cutest thing ever. She loves to snack on just about anything carb related. So, it's refreshing to see her try something new. She's very finicky about her food. One minute she loves something, the next minute she's spitting it out. But with raisins, she just went to town. I think she finished half the box during an episode of Wonder Pets. As for the rest of the box, well, she sprinkled them across the floor. That's Fiona for you.

1 comment:

SherE1 said...

Jacob is such a boy - he'll eat just about anything. It surprises me since the girls were all so picky as babies. I can't even think of anything that Jacob has refused to eat... LOL!