Saturday, September 13, 2008

K is for Kindergarten

First of all, I've been teaching upper grades for the past nine years. And, this is definitely a first. I figured, I have an awesome team and they'll just have to show me the ropes. Dude, I am beat by the end of the day. Completely drained. No joking here. Kindergartners have so much energy. Where does it come from? I don't know. All I know is that all day long, I feel poking at my leg, tapping at my arms, and hear them say things like, "Teacher, I'm hungry!" or "Teacher, when are we going to play?" AHHHH! That was just the first week of school.

The second week was a tiny bit better. They're starting to figure out a routine and learn my quiet signals. But boy, do they say the darnedest things. I am constantly chuckling.

More stories later.


Lovebug said...

oh LORD! i'm going to put your goddaughter in your'll be telling horror stories! =)

Jenny said...

I don't know how you do it! Olivia started kinder this year and I volunteer on Wednesdays. My eyes are crossed by the 2nd hour! This is my first time volunteering in a kinder class. I have to tell you, I think kinder is the hardest teaching job out there. Hats off to you :)