Sunday, April 6, 2008

Who's a Jabber Jaw?

Fiona's such a babbler. I'm already imagining her talking and telling us stories. She always vocalizing about something.
She's starting to really communicate with us, not just with her waving arms and wiggling feet. So expressive. She says things like...

"Da, da, da, da!
"Ba, ba, ba, ba!"
She even sighs and whines!!!
I can't wait till she says Mama.


my cup-a-joe! said...

A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E-!!!!!! Love the photos Jeanette!

SherE1 said...

Look how big she is! She's taller than the bear already! I love how you use the bear as a sort of "measure chart", by the way. Very clever! Hope you and the fam are doing well. Miss you guys!