I don't know what it is about these turtles but kids love it.
Our precious little ones, Jonas, Fiona, and Ruby.
Here we are, The Three Amigo Mamas!
The whole world is full of things, and somebody has to look for them.
- Pippi Longstocking, Astrid Lindgren, 1950
Hi Jeanette!
This is Jenny (Navarro) Alfonso :) Not sure if you remember me or not but a long LONG long time ago, for a short while I hung out with you (remember San Francisco w/ Wena and Cathy - haa haa!). I discovered your blog through Abby Setti. Abby and I have become close friends since both of us love scrapbooking and we both have sons with autism. Anyway, I just wanted to say congratulations on having a store sell your handmade hair clips! How exciting! They are beautiful. I would love to buy some from you for my little girl. The next time I'm in Chula Vista, I'll try and find the store that has your handmade goodness :) Do you teach for the SDUSD? I ask only because I'm a school nurse for the district and we also start on Sept. 2 - I so want summer to last longer before I have to go back to work! Again, just wanted to say hi and that I really love your hair clips! And your daughter is absolutely beautiful :)
did you know that while taking that second picture, ruby said, "i'm the mommy, jonas is the daddy, and fiona's my baby." wah. i'm sad. why is she playing house already? NOOOOO! i want her to be my innocent little girl forever!
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