Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy Easter!

Check out the bib!

A tisket, a tasket, Fiona's Easter basket

Mama and Little Fi enjoying the sun

Faith and Fiona laying out in the shade

Ruby, Alana, Jonas, and Evan being "nosey" !

G and Baby Tosh cuddling

A bunch of us gathered at Spanish Landing for an egg hunt after a delicious brunch. It was such a gorgeous day, cool brisk wind and warm sun. A perfect combination. Fiona loved laying out and being a lookie-loo. She's such a curious little cat. Originally, I wanted her to wear this green and polka dot Easter dress with layers and frills. The cutest little Easter dress. But then again, I thought, comfort comes first. Her eczema has been bothering her lately. She's been uncontrollably scratching. So, we opted for something simple that was 100% cotton. Thanks Auntie Winnie for the sweet dress.

I get so overly excited about holidays and such. I buy the most random things and it can become quite excessive. I use this's Fiona's first everything. I even bought Dudley's Marbled Egg Coloring Kit (which we did not even touch). I'll save it for next year.

How lame is this? Far and I wanted to take a picture of Fiona with all of her Easter goodies. And we did. But later on, I noticed she was wearing a Happy Thanksgiving bib!

1 comment:

Lovebug said...

happy THANKSGIVING, easter bunny! ;)