Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pooh and Piglet

I can't believe our snuggle bunny is already one month and five days old. She sure is a healthy eater. I mean oinker! She"ll have both breast milk and formula without any fuss. She's about 9-10 lbs. and still growing. Pooh Bear has volunteered to measure Fiona Tess each month to check on her growth rate.

By the way, I love breast feeding. It's such a bonding time. But I must admit it's been quite a challenge for me. Milk production sucks. I've been taking fenugreek capsules and drinking mother's milk tea to promote lactation. Even though it's frustrating, I'm still hanging in there.


SherE1 said...

OMG - ms. fiona is so, so cute! We seriously need to get together so I can steal her away from you for a little while! =)

Good for you for hanging in there with the breastfeeding! It's tough but so worth it.

Thanks for sharing your blog! - Sherry

Unknown said...

Awesome pictures, Jeanette! I second Sherry's comment on nursing. Gily was nursed for over 2 years. I would have gone longer had she not weaned herself at that time. You'll enjoy a good-tempered, very healthy and happy child. Fiona Tess is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing.


LuLu said...

Fiona Tess...just saying her name makes me smile!!!!!!I'm serious...Look in the mirror as you say her name...Seriously... Fi-o-na... SEE!!!=) Fiona, Fiona, Fiona (3 smiles)She has already cast a magical spell over me. I'm glad that Pooh Bear has been put to good use as "Royal Measure of Princess Fiona". I loved spending time with you guys. You are a great FAMILY!!!!

Lourdes =)