Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 6-11

Day Six--Sunday
We drove up to LA for the day.

Day Seven--Monday
Enjoying an evening by the fireplace

Day Eight--Tuesday
Movie Night

Day Nine--Wednesday
Front page
Baking begins!

Back page
Fiona's helping hands helped mix the dough for the peppermint candy cane cookies.

Day Ten--Thursday
'Tis the season for chillin' and grillin'!

Day Eleven--Friday
Dinner and Coffee & Tea with Ninang Gail
(journaling on back side of photo)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December Days

Day Three--Thursday

I've been prepping this package for my cousin Dada in New Jersey for quite some time. But on this day, I finally finished packing it all up. I'm so thrilled for her. Dada's expecting her first baby two days after Christmas.

Day Four--Friday
Just went to Target with Ninang Gail and spent an hour of looky-loo-ing down the aisles. Very therapeutic, I say. I bought some "unnecessary "things and some "necessary" things. That's always the case when you visit Target. But I definitely snagged up some peppermint candy canes that I plan to use for candy cane cookies, for hot cocoa stirrers, or just to nibble on. And later that evening, Far made smores in the toaster oven from Olivia's smores kit. It was yummy!

Day Five--Saturday

Fiona looks forward to her dance class with Ms. Angela every Saturday morning at 8:45 a.m. She's so enthusiastic about it. I can't believe Fiona even knows the ballet terminology--arabesque, plie, and tendu. Her teacher is simply amazing.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December Daily 2009

Home Sweet Holidays 09
(front cover)
(inside flap)

Day One--Decorating the tree
front page

back page

Day Two--Making a Wish List
front page

back page

Other pages soon to be filled
(started prepping in November)

Every Christmas Eve I write Tessie a letter. It's just a reflection of the year. And things that seem to be bottled up manage to reveal itself on paper.

This is the first time I'm participating in Ali Edwards' December Daily album. I absolutely LOVE this idea. December is such a magical month and Christmas is my most favorite holiday. I love the scents of fresh cut pine trees, gingerbread and mulling spices, baked cookies, and so much more. And this is nuts, but I enjoy wrapping presents in the middle of the night and listening to holiday tunes. It's so nostalgic for me.

Since it is such a busy month, there's plenty to document. And just being able to journal about these moments and day to day occurrences will be oh-so-exciting! I know I'll appreciate this in years to come. I know Fiona will too. She's been helping me here and there just by gluing things down or assisting me with the layout. She calls scrapping, "decorating." "I want to decorate, Mommy!" I let her go at it. That's my girl.

So, here it goes! Happy December!