Day Three--Thursday
I've been prepping this package for my cousin Dada in New Jersey for quite some time. But on this day, I finally finished packing it all up. I'm so thrilled for her. Dada's expecting her first baby two days after Christmas.
Day Four--Friday
Just went to Target with Ninang Gail and spent an hour of looky-loo-ing down the aisles. Very therapeutic, I say. I bought some "unnecessary "things and some "necessary" things. That's always the case when you visit Target. But I definitely snagged up some peppermint candy canes that I plan to use for candy cane cookies, for hot cocoa stirrers, or just to nibble on. And later that evening, Far made smores in the toaster oven from Olivia's smores kit. It was yummy!

Day Five--Saturday
Fiona looks forward to her dance class with Ms. Angela every Saturday morning at 8:45 a.m. She's so enthusiastic about it. I can't believe Fiona even knows the ballet terminology--arabesque, plie, and tendu. Her teacher is simply amazing.