The other day a former student came to visit me during class. As soon as she walked in I recognized her, first name and last. Believe it or not, I'm really good with memorizing names. I know, it's crazy. But luckily, we were just getting ready to have P.E. So, I was able to have a little time to sit and chat with her. I thought, "Oh, my goodness! Vanessa, Vanessa! " She was from my very first class back in the year 2000.
I was their fourth substitute teacher. Apparently, this class had ran off the other teachers before me. Believe me, that fifth grade class was notorious! There were some unforgettable characters. They actually bragged for making the other teachers cry or flip out! I don't know what possesed me to stay and stick it out. I told myself, if I could work here, I could work anywhere. And I still work here.
This part of our conversation stood out and left my heart feeling warm and fuzzy all day long. She said that she wanted to visit her FAVORITE teacher in elementary school. Whoa! That's heavy! I needed a Kleenex. To think, me, having an impact on kids. I've had many, many days, where I've told myself, this is TOO much work and all my efforts are thankless. But when students come around and say they're in college and doing wonderful things, well, I rethink it all. That passion and purpose somehow recharges itself.